“Albuquerque”…28 holes, beginning bind. Super easy, actually.


10 responses to “japanese stab binding #41: ‘albuquerque’”

  1. Suzanne Avatar

    That looks great. You’ve inspired me to make another journal and use this binding technique. Thanks.

    1. Becca Avatar

      Thanks, Suzanne!

  2. algumacoisadenaufragio Avatar

    Hello! congratulations from Brazil. I really wanna know where did you learn this stab binding “Albuquerque”? I like it very much and I want to bind like this. Thanks!

    1. Becca Avatar

      Thanks! I make up all of the stab binding patterns on this site myself. When I have time I write down the steps and publish them in my ‘tutorials and how-tos’ category.
      Find more here: https://beccamakingfaces.com/category/tutorials-and-how-tos/

      1. algumacoisadenaufragio Avatar

        Thank you very much! ;)
        Your stab binding patterns and tutorials are great.

  3. zoe’s book | maker soph Avatar

    […] piece, and the grey/red colour scheme to echo her work. the pattern isn’t an original design (source) but i worked out the stitch pattern myself, which is the same front and back with no doubled […]

  4. snowunderthemountain Avatar

    Hello! I just discovered your website and am super inspired by these Japanese book binding techniques. Do you have, or could you make a tutorial for how to this pattern? I live in Albuquerque so this one would be really fun to try. I might have to work my way up to it as I’m a beginner though. Also I am wondering if there is any website or book you’d recommend for beginners just starting out? Like that tells you what materials to buy, etc. Thank you so much!

  5. snowunderthemountain Avatar

    Hello! Do you have or could you share a tutorial for how to do this pattern? I live in Albuquerque and it would be fun to try it. I am a total beginner so if you have any links or suggestions for books or websites to help beginners get started that would be awesome too. Thank you so much for this website!

    1. Becca Avatar

      Thanks! I have a tutorial for Albuquerque started, but it isn’t finished. To get a better understanding of this style, check out my page called ‘theory of Japanese binding’:https://beccamakingfaces.com/theory-of-japanese-stab-binding/. And try a few of my simpler tutorials…you should start to get the idea of how it works. I also have a page called resources: https://beccamakingfaces.com/resources-supplies-books-and-software/ that lists some books I have used in the past.
      I don’t have a particular list of beginning supplies…yet. It’s on the list to do one day (but I’m in the middle of another MA degree and I don’t have time at the moment!). Let me know if you have any other questions!

  6. Kacie Avatar

    Hi I was wondering if you could post more step by step instructions on Japanese Stab Binding I want to do more by can’t figure it out from the end picture alone. Thank you

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I’m Becca!

Welcome to Becca Making Faces, a blog that started out as a grad school project and has become a place where I post experiments in Japanese stab binding.

Have a look around, and let me know if you have any questions!

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