The lotus blossom! This is probably an advanced bind, just because it’s tricky to make sure you haven’t missed any of the steps. 36 holes.

9 responses to “japanese stab binding #42: lotus blossom”

  1. Ineke Avatar

    Hi Becca,

    The lotus blossom is really very nice!!!


  2. Ann in NJ Avatar
    Ann in NJ

    Really lovely.

  3. Bea Avatar

    Beautiful! I saw the picture before reading the title and knew it was a Lotus Blossom… perfect!!!

  4. Becca Avatar

    Thank you all!

  5. Luiza Avatar

    beautiful! Will you post a tutorial for this one? I’m in love <3

    1. Luiza Avatar

      it really looks like a lotus flower, impressive!

  6. Maggie Avatar

    OMG this is my favorite flower. Could you please, please, please, make a tutorial? This is so amazing! You’re great!

    1. Becca Avatar

      Thanks, Maggie!
      A tutorial for this pattern will be posted at some point! :)

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I’m Becca!

Welcome to Becca Making Faces, a blog that started out as a grad school project and has become a place where I post experiments in Japanese stab binding.

Have a look around, and let me know if you have any questions!

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